If you want buy the Nanosaur expansion board or you want support this project, please consider to watch the PCB project. PCB from PCBWay

The Nanosaur Expansion-board is under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The expansion boars has size 20mm x 80mm and have four M2 mounting holes, that perfectly fit inside the Nanosaur flap.

Nanosaur Expansion board PCB top Nanosaur Expansion board PCB bottom
Nanosaur expansion board PCB

This board is a simple adapter to connect the motor controller and the LCDs to the NVIDIA Jetson on your nanosaur, this board connect:

  • I2C bus 0 (Pin 27, 28)
    • oled right
  • I2C bus 1 (Pin 3, 5)
    • oled left
    • adafruit motor control
  • 2 custom buttons
    • GPIO Pin 31
    • GPIO Pin 33

How make Nanosaur PCBs on PCBWay

  • Register to PCBWay using my refferer link
  • Upon you registered, go to the nanosaur PCB from PCBWay
  • Click on β€œAdd to Cart” button on the right
  • A pop-up will show up: all default settings are good. You must only select how many PCBs you want: the minimum quantity, by default, is 5. The first order of 5 PCBs is free on PCBWay: you must pay only the shipping costs


The list of components that you need to have are in this table below

Ref Qt Value Component Note
J1 1 jetson_nano PinHeader 2x20 - P2.54mm aliexpress.com
J2 1 Screw_Terminal_01x02 Terminal block 1x02 - 2.54mm aliexpress.com
J3 J4 2 Conn_i2c_oled cable 1x4 length 300mm Read Table connectors
J5 1 Conn_motors cable 1x6 length 210mm Read Table connectors
J6 1 Conn_buttons cable 1x3 length 300mm Read Table connectors
J7 1 Conn_01x04 Pin Header 1x3 (optional*)
R1 R2 2 1k Resistor THT 1/4W (optional*) aliexpress.com
SW1 1 SW_SPDT Slide switch P4.7mm aliexpress.com

:bulb: Hint Reference Table connectors

If you BoM have all components, like the picture below you are ready to assembly!

Nanosaur expansion board components
Nanosaur expansion board components


This expansion board is a simple connector for oleds and motor controller and works taking the power from the Power bank and power up the robot passing from a slide switch.

More detail are available on nanosaur expansion board schematic.

Nanosaur schematic expansion board
nanosaur schematic expansion board

:floppy_disk: Download the nanosaur expansion board nanosaur-schematic.pdf

Assembly PCB

To assembly the PCB, you need only a solder all components and follow the steps on the gallery below.

  1. Resistors
  2. Switch
  3. Terminal block 1x02
  4. PinHeader 2x20

The PCB will be like the last picture of the gallery

Nanosaur Expansion board assembly resistors Nanosaur Expansion board assembly resistors Nanosaur Expansion board assembly switch Nanosaur Expansion board assembly connector Nanosaur Expansion board assembled Nanosaur Expansion board assembled
Nanosaur expansion board assembly

Wiring PCB

To wire bring your 30cm flat ribbon cable 20P Rainbow IDC wire 1.27mm and split in 3 different wires:

Quantity Name Length Color code
1 Conn_motors 210mm brown -> blue
2 Conn_i2c_oled 300mm violet -> black
2 motor 90mm red & brown
1 USB connector 120mm black & red
wire color schematic
wire color schematic

Now pay attention to wire in the right order the motor control cable (Conn_motors) where:

Num Color Connection Type
1 brown spare Motor (+)
2 red spare Motor (-)
3 amber 2Pin Dupont connector SDA
4 yellow 2Pin Dupont connector SCL
5 green 3Pin Dupont connector side VCC (+3.3V)
6 blue 3Pin Dupont connector side GND

For the both display follow this table

Num Color Connection Type
1 black 2Pin Dupont connector GND
2 white 2Pin Dupont connector VCC (+3.3V)
3 grey 2Pin Dupont connector SCL
4 violet 2Pin Dupont connector SDA

The wiring will be like the pictures below:

Wire motor control Wire display
Nanosaur wires

To wire the expansion board follow the picture below, where:

Plug Name Note
J3 Conn_i2c_oled right Violet wire on squared hole (pin 1)
J4 Conn_i2c_oled left Violet wire on squared hole (pin 1)
J5 Conn_motors Brown wire on squared hole (pin 1)
Soldering wires on nanosaur expansion board
Soldering wires on nanosaur expansion board

When the soldering is done you will obtain nanosaur expansion board ready to be assembled on Nanosaur

Nanosaur Expansion board
Nanosaur expansion board

Wiring USB connector

Last plug, last wiring! It’s almost done.

Bring your 120mm wires red and black and solder to the USB connector following the USB pinout below

USB pinout
USB pinout

Now wire the USB connector follow this table

Num Color Type
1 red +
2 - D+
3 - D-
4 black -

And follow the pictures below to make your USB wire for the Nanosaur expansion board.

USB connector parts USB soldering wires USB cover
USB connector wiring

Add an heat shrink to insulate the wires and the connector will look like the picture below

USB connector assembled
USB connector wired

PCB Board

The Nanosaur Expansion-board is under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The size is 20mm x 80mm with 4 M2 mounting holes, with PCB Layout will be like the pictures below

Nanosaur Expansion board PCB top Nanosaur Expansion board PCB bottom
PCB expansion board

:floppy_disk: Download the Nanosaur expansion board STEP file nanosaur-exp-board.step

If you want print by yourself the expansion board, you can download the gerber file from this link

:floppy_disk: Download the Nanosaur expansion board gerber file nanosaur-gerber.zip


The Nanosaur Expansion-board is under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
